Responding to Parent Social Media Concerns

I have recently been asked about the following article from by multiple parents: “I’m a 37-Year-Old Mom & I Spent Seven Days Online as an 11-Year-Old Girl. Here’s What I Learned.” Parents have asked about my opinion of child social media use in light of this article, and generally how concerned they should be. […]

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48 Hours with a Tablet: Lessons Learned

My family did some traveling for Thanksgiving, and we typically use a portable DVD player to keep our 6 and 3-year-old daughters content during longer trips. Before the trip, I took the girls to the library and saw they have tablets with various educational games to check-out. So, thinking that this would be a better […]

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How to Talk About Social Media

I have regular conversations with parents about how to discuss various topics, and social media and electronics are two of the most common. We all know we should be talking about these things, but sometimes the conversation focuses on time limits, privileges, consequences, and parental concerns. This focus can lead your pre-teen or teen to […]

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Screen Time Summer Survival Guide

Electronics. I have a love-hate relationship with them. I love how easy they make everything, but hate how they seem to suck the brain right out of our kid’s head. The dazed, far-off stare of a child who has had too much screen time, followed by the anger and screams of that child when told […]

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